5 Fun Ways To Spice Up A Long-distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships are considered to be challenging. After all, loving someone who is hundreds or thousands of miles away can be difficult, both emotionally and physically. But it doesn’t have to be that way! As the saying goes, distance is to love as wind is to fire — to extinguish the weak and fuel the strong. And there are a lot of ways to make LDRs fun, exciting, and full of love!

Here are a couple of my personal faves that will help keep LDR super fun before you actually get to see IRL again.

Start watching a new show on Netflix together

Just because you’re not in the same position doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some sweet time on TV! Pick a show that you both were dying to see and set aside a time every day or a few days to sit down and watch the episode at the same time. You can tell each other about your reactions in real-time, and it’ll feel like you’re spending an evening together, even though you’re hundreds of miles apart.

Send each other surprise deliveries

Whether it’s a sweet care package or a beautiful meal, everybody loves to get a surprise. Dream of something that your boo will enjoy and give to them, only because you can. For example, even though you’re in another state, you can still call your love’s favorite pizza place and get one delivered to their house if they’re having a rough day — and you can even ask the pizza place to write a message from you inside the box!

Try using a couple’s app

Since it’s 2020, there are some fantastic applications for couples with LDR. Take, for example, The Couple App, which lets you play games with your boo, make lists of future dates and dream travel locations, and even “thumb kiss” by pressing your thumbs on your phone screens, making both your phones vibrate. Might it be a cuter one?

Send each other ~saucy~ texts

Many factors can make LDRs tricky, but one that comes to mind is a lack of physical time. But the gap could potentially make things all the hotter. If you feel especially turned on, don’t be shy — let your love know in a sexy text. They’re not only going to be flattered. They’re going to be thinking about you all day.

Send each other snail mail

Of course, technology makes LDRs easier than ever before, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about a good old-fashioned love letter. Write real letters to each other or even cute postcards, and it will give both of you something to look forward to when you check the mail. Bonus points — you should consent to spray the letters with each other’s perfume/cologne to slip onto your pillow to make it smell like your boo.

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